The vote gave a pretty good consensus - the future of TSC overall rankings will consist of a single champion incorporating all the categories, with individual leaders for separate categories. As before, a few questions remain:
Edit: Questions resolved. Conclusions:
- Leaders for each category
- Give people a week or two to defend their rankings in the other categories
As far as points go, points-are-good/bad will simply be an option in the User Settings panel, as they're functionally identical if you make ties give a point in the points-are-good line; good seems to be preferred, so will be the default.
As for rankings disruption with all the categories included - once again, keep in mind that you can only lose/gain as many points in a division as there are players. In games where rings / score aren't recorded, highly ranked players have little to fear, as rarely are there as many as 5 players in a division right now. That may change, though...!
Anyhow, discuss.